1.
piece
of
jewelry
may
be
just
a
material
object,
but
the
love
and
sentiment
behind
the
gift
is
what
truly
makes
it
precious.
【爱情的礼物才是首饰真正珍贵的所在】
2.
Like
a
diamond,
true
love
shines
bright
even
in
the
darkest
of
times.
【真爱如同钻石,在黑暗中熠熠闪光】
3.
Just
as
a
necklace
is
made
up
of
individual
beads,
love
is
made
up
of
countless
small
gestures
and
actions.
【项链由无数珠子组成,爱情也由无数个小细节构筑】
4.
Giving
someone
a
piece
of
jewelry
is
like
giving
them
a
piece
of
your
heart.
【送出一件珠宝就是献出一份心意】
5.
When
words
are
not
enough
to
express
your
love,
let
a
piece
of
jewelry
do
the
talking
for
you.
【当言语无法表达爱情时,珠宝代替你说话】
6.
Just
like
how
a
ring
has
no
beginning
or
end,
true
love
is
eternal
and
unbreakable.
【戒指没有始终,真爱亦是永恒的】
7.
piece
of
jewelry
can
be
a
symbol
of
commitment,
a
token
of
affection,
or
a
reminder
of
a
special
moment
shared
between
two
people.
【一件珠宝可以象征承诺、表达情感,或让两个人铭刻特别的时刻】
8.
Love
is
like
a
pair
of
earrings
-
it
may
come
in
different
shapes
and
sizes,
but
it
always
complements
and
enhances
the
beauty
of
the
wearer.
【爱情就像耳环,有不同形状和尺寸,但总是能让人更美丽】
9.
Jewelry
may
lose
its
shine
over
time,
but
the
love
and
memories
behind
it
will
always
remain
bright
and
cherished.
【珠宝虽然会失去光芒,但它背后的爱情和回忆会永远闪耀】
10.
bracelet
may
wrap
around
your
wrist,
but
love
wraps
around
your
heart.
【手镯可以环绕腕间,爱情却包裹着心灵】
11.
Just
like
how
a
necklace
holds
precious
gems
close
to
the
heart,
love
holds
the
people
we
cherish
close
to
our
hearts.
【项链如同把珍宝紧贴心窝,爱情也把我们珍视的人紧紧拥抱】
12.
Every
piece
of
jewelry
tells
a
story
-
whether
it's
about
a
special
occasion,
a
cherished
memory,
or
a
special
someone
who
gave
it
to
you.
【每一件珠宝都讲述着故事——是关于特别的时刻、珍贵的回忆,或某个非常重要的人】
13.
Love
is
not
about
material
possessions,
but
a
small
gift
of
jewelry
can
symbolize
the
abundance
of
love
that
two
people
share.
【爱情不在于物质,但一件小小的珠宝可以象征两个人分享的丰盈的爱】
14.
Like
how
a
necklace
can
have
multiple
layers,
love
can
have
many
dimensions
and
aspects.
【就像项链有多层,爱情也有许多层面和纬度】
15.
Wearing
a
piece
of
jewelry
acts
as
a
constant
reminder
of
the
love
and
connection
we
share
with
another
person.
【佩戴珠宝不断提醒我们与他人所共享的爱与联结】
16.
True
love
is
like
a
delicate
piece
of
jewelry
-
it
requires
care,
attention,
and
a
gentle
touch
to
keep
it
shining
bright.
【真爱如同精致的珠宝,需要细心呵护、关注和温柔的呵护才能保持闪耀】
17.
piece
of
jewelry
can
be
passed
down
through
generations,
just
like
the
love
and
memories
it
represents.
【一件珠宝可以代代相传,正如它所代表的爱和回忆】
18.
Just
as
no
two
pieces
of
jewelry
are
exactly
alike,
no
two
loves
are
the
same
-
each
one
is
unique
and
special
in
their
own
way.
【就如同没有两件珠宝是完全相同的,没有两个人的爱是相同的——每个都独特、特别】
19.
Just
as
a
necklace
can
be
made
up
of
different
colors
and
sizes
of
beads,
love
can
come
in
many
different
forms
and
expressions.
【项链可以用不同颜色和大小的珠子组成,爱情亦可成就多种形式和表达】
20.
piece
of
jewelry
can
make
a
statement,
but
it's
the
love
and
sentiments
behind
it
that
truly
make
it
unforgettable.
【珠宝可以传递信息,但珠宝背后的爱和情感才是真正不朽的】