1.
Life
is
a
journey,
not
a
destination.
【#lifequotes】
2.
Every
day
is
a
new
opportunity
to
change
your
life.
【#liveyourbestlife】
3.
Life
can
be
tough,
but
so
can
you.
【#strength】
4.
Life
is
too
short
to
waste
time
on
things
that
don't
matter.
【#priorities】
5.
Sometimes
the
best
thing
you
can
do
is
just
live
your
life.
【#liveandletlive】
6.
Life
is
a
gift,
cherish
every
moment.
【#grateful】
7.
Your
life
is
your
story,
write
it
well.
【#liveyourstory】
8.
Life
is
like
a
camera,
focus
on
the
good
times.
【#positivevibes】
9.
Life
is
full
of
surprises,
embrace
them.
【#staycurious】
10.
Life
is
a
balancing
act,
find
your
equilibrium.
【#balance】
11.
Life
is
a
reflection
of
your
thoughts,
choose
them
wisely.
【#positivity】
12.
Life
is
a
dance,
enjoy
the
music.
【#bepresent】
13.
Life
is
a
canvas,
paint
it
with
your
dreams.
【#dreambig】
14.
Life
is
a
puzzle,
solve
it
one
piece
at
a
time.
【#patience】
15.
Life
is
a
garden,
nurture
it
with
love.
【#loveandcare】
16.
Life
is
a
staircase,
take
one
step
at
a
time.
【#onestepatatime】
17.
Life
is
a
mirror,
show
the
world
your
best
self.
【#selflove】
18.
Life
is
a
book,
write
your
own
story.
【#authorofyourlife】
19.
Life
is
a
game,
play
to
win.
【#winningattitude】
20.
Life
is
precious,
make
the
most
of
it.