1.
"Love
is
in
the
small
things,
like
waking
up
early
to
make
breakfast
for
your
partner.
"
【细节体现爱情】
2.
"It's
the
little
moments
of
affection
that
make
a
relationship
strong.
"
【爱情必须的小小示爱】
3.
"When
you
pay
attention
to
the
small
things,
you
show
your
loved
one
that
they
matter.
"
【关注小细节,传递爱的信息】
4.
"Real
love
is
not
just
about
grand
gestures,
but
also
about
the
tiny
daily
expressions
of
care.
"
【真爱不止于大动作,还在于微小的关怀表达】
5.
"It's
the
thoughtful
surprises
that
keep
the
flame
of
love
burning
bright.
"
【关爱的惊喜可以维持爱情欢乐火光】
6.
"The
secret
to
a
happy
relationship
lies
in
the
little
things
you
do
for
each
other.
"
【幸福的秘密在于彼此小小的呵护】
7.
"Showing
your
partner
you
remembered
something
they
mentioned
weeks
ago
can
mean
the
world
to
them.
"
【关怀地记得他/她曾提过的心愿,让对方感觉被珍惜】
8.
"It's
not
just
about
buying
flowers,
it's
about
remembering
their
favorite
kind.
"
【爱不仅仅是买花,更要记住对方最爱的品种】
9.
"A
love
note
left
on
a
pillow
can
make
even
the
toughest
day
feel
brighter.
"
【床头留爱的短信能点亮艰难重重的日子】
10.
"Taking
the
time
to
cook
a
special
meal
for
your
loved
one
is
an
act
of
devotion.
"
【花费心思做一顿特别的饭菜,传递一份虔诚的爱】
11.
"A
small
touch,
like
holding
hands,
can
be
a
powerful
symbol
of
love
and
connection.
"
【碰触一下,比如握手,可以成为爱和联系的强象征】
12.
"Even
a
simple
smile
or
compliment
can
show
your
partner
that
you
appreciate
them.
"
【微笑、赞美一句话,都可以让对方感到被欣赏】
13.
"Love
is
when
you
know
what
cheers
your
partner
up
on
a
bad
day
and
you
do
it
without
them
asking.
"
【懂得怎样照顾对方,让他(她)感到被包容和爱】
14.
"The
small
things
you
do
for
each
other
every
day
add
up
to
a
lifetime
of
love.
"
【每天为彼此做的一点小事,最终成为一生爱的累积】
15.
"In
a
true
partnership,
the
small
moments
of
kindness
are
just
as
important
as
the
big
romantic
gestures.
"
【在一段真正的伴侣关系中,微小的温馨时刻和浪漫大动作都同样重要】
16.
"Sometimes
love
means
sacrificing
your
own
comfort
for
your
partner's
happiness.
"
【为了对方的幸福,你可以牺牲自己的舒适】
17.
"Little
gestures
of
love
and
support
can
make
a
world
of
difference
in
tough
times.
"
【关爱和支持不需要太多,但却具有强大的力量】
18.
"When
you
love
someone,
you
pay
attention
to
the
details
that
make
them
who
they
are.
"
【爱上一个人,你会注重细节,因为这些细节让他(她)与众不同】
19.
"Small
acts
of
kindness
can
be
like
drops
of
water
that
eventually
fill
an
ocean
of
love.
"
【一点点的善意就像滴滴水滴,最终汇聚成海洋的爱】
20.
"It's
not
always
about
what
you
say,
but
how
you
show
your
love
through
actions.
"
【爱之所在,行动胜于言语】