1.
"Love
is
like
a
game
of
chess.
Sometimes
you
win,
sometimes
you
lose,
but
it's
always
best
to
have
a
laughing
partner
by
your
side.
"
【笑出声系列】
2.
"If
love
is
a
battlefield,
then
humor
is
the
secret
weapon
that
will
get
you
through
the
tough
times.
"
【幸福来袭】
3.
"Two
things
cannot
live
without:
love
and
laughter.
Luckily,
they
tend
to
go
hand
in
hand.
"
【搞笑的爱情故事】
4.
"The
key
to
a
successful
relationship
is
not
just
about
finding
someone
who
loves
you,
but
someone
who
can
also
make
you
laugh.
"
【情人眼里出生活】
5.
"If
you
can
make
someone
laugh,
then
you've
already
won
half
the
battle
of
winning
their
heart.
"
【爱情笑话的通行证】
6.
"Laughter
is
the
glue
that
holds
a
relationship
together,
while
love
is
the
foundation
that
builds
it.
"
【笑闹情浓】
7.
"I
may
not
have
a
perfect
love
life,
but
at
least
have
a
perfect
sense
of
humor.
"
【爆笑启动爱情机器】
8.
"In
the
game
of
love,
laughter
is
the
ultimate
weapon
of
mass
seduction.
"
【幸福的密码】
9.
"They
say
laughter
is
contagious,
but
think
love
is
even
more
infectious.
"
【爱情与幸福同唱主角】
10.
"A
successful
relationship
is
not
about
being
serious
all
the
time,
but
about
finding
joy
in
the
little
things
and
laughing
together.
"
【恋爱中的搞笑情升级】
11.
"Love
may
be
blind,
but
humor
is
the
perfect
navigator
that
will
lead
you
through
the
ups
and
downs
of
a
relationship.
"
【幸福中的快乐大片】
12.
"Life
is
too
short
to
be
taken
seriously,
so
why
not
add
a
little
humor
to
your
love
life
and
enjoy
the
ride.
"
【幸福的爆笑时刻】
13.
"In
a
world
full
of
chaos,
love
and
laughter
are
the
only
things
that
make
sense.
"
【爱情是快乐的表情符号】
14.
"Love
may
be
the
destination,
but
humor
is
the
journey
that
makes
the
ride
worthwhile.
"
【爱情和幸福的开心之旅】
15.
"If
love
is
a
rollercoaster,
humor
is
the
seatbelt
that
keeps
you
safe
and
makes
the
ride
more
enjoyable.
"
【搞笑与幸福的组合拳】
16.
"Laughter
may
not
solve
all
of
your
problems,
but
it
will
certainly
make
them
easier
to
handle
when
you
have
someone
to
share
it
with.
"
【幸福笑颜无限】
17.
"They
say
laughter
is
the
best
medicine,
but
think
love
is
the
perfect
remedy
for
all
of
life's
ailments.
"
【笑对人生】
18.
"Love
can
be
messy
and
complicated,
but
humor
is
the
perfect
cleaning
agent
that
will
help
you
navigate
through
the
messiness.
"
【爱情里的趣味时光】
19.
"Happiness
may
not
be
the
destination,
but
laughter
and
love
are
the
perfect
vehicles
that
will
take
you
there.
"
【时光搞笑】
20.
"They
say
you
should
never
take
love
lightly,
but
think
you
should
take
it
with
a
sense
of
humor
and
a
smile.
"
【幸福助力】