1.
"The
Warriors
may
be
wounded,
but
they
will
always
be
champions
in
our
eyes.
"】
2.
"Injuries
may
have
taken
down
some
of
the
Warriors,
but
they
will
rise
again,
stronger
than
ever.
"】
3.
"It's
heartbreaking
to
see
the
Warriors
fall
to
injury,
but
we
know
they
will
come
back
swinging.
"】
4.
"Even
at
their
weakest,
the
Warriors
are
still
warriors
at
heart.
"】
5.
"We
may
be
hurting
for
the
Warriors,
but
we
will
always
stand
by
their
side.
"】
6.
"Watching
the
Warriors
face
adversity
reminds
us
that
even
heroes
have
their
struggles.
"】
7.
"No
matter
how
many
injuries
they
face,
the
Warriors
always
fight
like
champions.
"】
8.
"We
mourn
the
injuries
suffered
by
the
Warriors,
but
we
know
they
will
come
back
fighting.
"】
9.
"The
Warriors
may
be
down,
but
they
will
never
be
defeated.
"】
10.
"Through
all
the
injuries
and
setbacks,
the
Warriors
continue
to
inspire
us
with
their
strength
and
perseverance.
"】
11.
"The
Warriors
may
have
lost
some
battles,
but
they
will
always
win
our
hearts.
"】
12.
"Injuries
may
have
knocked
the
Warriors
down,
but
we
know
they
will
rise
again,
stronger
than
ever.
"】
13.
"The
Warriors
have
shown
us
time
and
time
again
that
courage
comes
in
many
forms.
"】
14.
"No
matter
what
the
future
holds,
the
Warriors
will
always
be
remembered
for
their
spirit
and
determination.
"】
15.
"The
Warriors
may
have
been
wounded,
but
they
will
never
lose
our
respect.
"】
16.
"Heroes
are
not
defined
by
their
victories,
but
by
their
ability
to
get
back
up
after
falling.
"】
17.
"We
may
shed
tears
for
the
Warriors,
but
we
know
they
will
wipe
them
away
with
their
strength.
"】
18.
"The
Warriors
may
be
injured,
but
they
still
stand
tall
in
our
eyes.
"】
19.
"The
true
measure
of
a
champion
is
not
in
the
trophies
they
have
won,
but
in
the
struggles
they
have
overcome.
"】
20.
"Injuries
may
have
dimmed
the
Warriors'
spotlight,
but
they
will
always
shine
bright
in
our
hearts.
"】