The sign of Libra is known for its love of balance and harmony. Born between September 23 and October 22, those under this sign are naturally drawn to beauty, peace, and diplomacy. This is aided by their guardian angel, whose name is often said to be either Zuriel or Uriel.
Zuriel, whose name means "my rock is God," is often depicted carrying balanced scales, which represents the sign's desire for harmony and fairness. She is said to assist those born under the sign of Libra in finding balance in their personal relationships and in their lives as a whole.
Uriel, whose name means "light of God," is another possible guardian angel of Libra, and is often associated with truth, wisdom, and justice. Like Zuriel, Uriel is said to help those under the sign find balance and harmony in their lives, but also to aid them in making choices that are aligned with their deepest values and aspirations.
Regardless of which angel is seen as the protector of Libra, their guidance serves to 【更多相关资讯请访问wWw.77788812.COm>12生肖星座】remind individuals of the importance of maintaining balance in all areas of their lives. This includes not only the obvious scales of justice and fairness, but also in one's emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing.
For Libras, this may mean finding a way to balance work and play, or to balance the needs of others with their own personal needs. It may also mean finding ways to bring greater harmony and balance to their relationships, by communicating openly and honestly, and by being willing to compromise and find common ground.
Of course, finding balance is never easy, and even with the help of a guardian angel, Libras may still struggle at times. But by tuning into their own intuition and inner wisdom, and by remaining open to the guidance of their angel, they can continue to find new ways to maintain balance and harmony in their lives.
So if you're a Libra, remember that you have a powerful ally in your guardian angel. Whether you see her as Zuriel or Uriel, or simply as a divine force that guides you towards balance and harmony, she is there to help you navigate life's ups and downs with grace, compassion, and wisdom. Trust in her love and guidance, and she will be with you every step of the way.