1.
"Less
is
more.
"
【-
Mies
van
der
Rohe】
2.
"Simplicity
is
the
ultimate
sophistication.
"
【-
Leonardo
da
Vinci】
3.
"The
ability
to
simplify
means
to
eliminate
the
unnecessary
so
that
the
necessary
may
speak.
"
【-
Hans
Hofmann】
4.
"Simplify
your
life.
You
don't
grow
spiritual,
you
shrink
spiritual.
"
【-
Steve
Maraboli】
5.
"Live
simply
so
that
others
may
simply
live.
"
【-
Mahatma
Gandhi】
6.
"The
greatest
wealth
is
to
live
content
with
little.
"
【-
Plato】
7.
"Minimalism
is
not
a
lack
of
something.
It's
simply
the
perfect
amount
of
something.
"
【-
Nicholas
Burroughs】
8.
"The
best
things
in
life
are
not
things.
"
【-
Art
Buchwald】
9.
"The
more
you
have,
the
more
you
are
occupied.
The
less
you
have,
the
more
free
you
are.
"
【-
Mother
Teresa】
10.
"Simplicity
is
the
keynote
of
all
true
elegance.
"
【-
Coco
Chanel】
11.
"The
secret
of
happiness,
you
see,
is
not
found
in
seeking
more,
but
in
developing
the
capacity
to
enjoy
less.
"
【-
Socrates】
12.
"The
first
step
in
crafting
the
life
you
want
is
to
get
rid
of
everything
you
don't.
"
【-
Joshua
Becker】
13.
"Reduce
the
complexity
of
life
by
eliminating
the
needless
wants
of
life,
and
the
labors
of
life
reduce
themselves.
"
【-
Edwin
Way
Teale】
14.
"Clutter
is
not
just
physical
stuff.
It's
old
ideas,
toxic
relationships,
and
bad
habits.
Clutter
is
anything
that
doesn't
support
your
better
self.
"
【-
Eleanor
Brown】
15.
"The
ability
to
simplify
means
to
eliminate
the
unnecessary
so
that
the
necessary
may
speak.
"
【-
Hans
Hofmann】
16.
"The
more
you
know,
the
less
you
need.
"
【-
Yvon
Chouinard】
17.
"The
most
exquisite
things
in
life
cannot
be
touched
or
seen,
they
must
be
felt
with
the
heart.
"
【-
Antoine
de
Saint-Exupery】
18.
"Contentment
is
natural
wealth,
luxury
is
artificial
poverty.
"
【-
Socrates】
19.
"Minimalism
is
not
a
style,
it
is
an
attitude,
a
way
of
being.
It's
a
fundamental
reaction
against
noise,
visual
noise,
disorder,
vulgarity.
"
【-
Massimo
Vignelli】
20.
"In
a
world
of
excess,
simplicity
is
rebellion.
"
【-
unknown】