
Capricorn (mù lán zuò) is the tenth sign of the zodiac and is known for its practicality and ambition. In Chinese, the word for Capricorn is 摩羯座 (mù lán zuò), which directly translates to "grinding goat constellation."

The goat in Chinese culture is a symbol of perseverance and steady progress towards achieving goals, which perfectly aligns with the traits of a Capricorn. The grinding aspect of the name speaks to the hard work and determination that Capricorns are known for.

Capricorns are often described as serious and responsible individuals who take their goals and ambitions seriously. They are driven by a desire for success and are willing to put in long hours of hard work to achieve it. This can make them seem cold or distant, bu【更多相关资讯请访问WWw.45678567.coM>奇摩星座】t it is simply a reflection of their focus and determination.

In Chinese astrology, Capricorns are born between December 22nd and January 19th. They are associated with the element of earth, which represents grounding, stability, and practicality. Capricorns are also ruled by the planet Saturn, which instills them with a sense of responsibility and discipline.

One of the challenges that Capricorns face is a tendency towards workaholism. They can become so focused on their goals that they neglect to take care of themselves or enjoy life. It's important for Capricorns to find a balance between work and life and to give themselves permission to relax and have fun.

In relationships, Capricorns are loyal and committed partners. They value stability and security and are willing to work hard to maintain a healthy relationship. However, their serious nature can sometimes make it difficult for them to open up and be vulnerable with their partners.

Overall, the Chinese pronunciation of Capricorn as 摩羯座 (mù lán zuò) captures the essence of the sign's traits and symbolism. Capricorns are hardworking, ambitious, and steady, like the goat that grinds steadily towards its goals. They are practical and disciplined, and their willingness to put in the work can lead to great success.

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