1.
"The
best
memories
are
made
with
good
friends
and
great
food.
"
【朋友圈相聚】
2.
"Laughing
until
our
stomachs
hurt
and
creating
new
inside
jokes,
that's
what
true
friendship
is
all
about.
"
【霸气的朋友】
3.
"Life
is
better
with
friends
by
your
side,
especially
when
they
bring
pizza!"
【友情相聚】
4.
"Friends
who
eat
together,
stay
together.
Cheers
to
a
night
we'll
never
forget!"
【一起共度】
5.
"Crazy,
wild,
and
unforgettable
moments
with
my
squad.
Best
night
ever!"
【无与伦比的朋友】
6.
"It's
not
about
the
destination,
it's
about
the
memories
we
create
on
the
road
with
our
friends.
"
【一路相伴】
7.
"We
may
not
see
each
other
often,
but
when
we
do,
it's
like
time
never
passed.
"
【难得的相聚】
8.
"Friends
who
brunch
together,
stay
together.
Weekends
are
always
better
with
you
guys!"
【朋友圈相聚】
9.
"Distance
can't
come
between
true
friends.
Thankful
for
moments
like
these
that
make
us
feel
as
close
as
ever.
"
【友谊无疆界】
10.
"Together
we
are
unstoppable,
together
we
are
unforgettable.
Love
my
squad
more
than
anything.
"
【不可分开】
11.
"I
don't
need
a
million
friends,
just
a
few
loyal
ones
who
know
will
always
have
my
back.
"
【朋友的重要性】
12.
"Life's
too
short
to
not
celebrate
every
moment
with
your
friends.
Cheers
to
making
unforgettable
memories!"
【珍爱友谊】
13.
"No
matter
how
old
we
get,
we
never
outgrow
our
love
for
good
food
and
great
friends.
"
【年华似水】
14.
"Friends
can
turn
any
ordinary
day
into
an
extraordinary
one.
Thankful
for
the
laughter
and
memories
we
share.
"
【点滴时光】
15.
"Friends
who
wine
together,
shine
together.
Love
my
squad
more
than
words
can
describe!"
【黑白照片】
16.
"The
older
we
get,
the
more
we
cherish
moments
spent
with
good
friends.
Here's
to
a
lifetime
of
laughter
and
love!"
【永远的朋友】
17.
"Good
friends
are
hard
to
find,
but
once
you
do
find
them,
you
never
let
them
go.
Love
you
guys
to
the
moon
and
back!"
【好伙伴难求】
18.
"In
the
end,
it's
not
about
the
number
of
friends
you
have,
but
the
quality
of
friendships
you've
built
over
the
years.
Grateful
for
my
squad
always.
"
【兄弟情深】
19.
"True
friends
are
the
ones
who
see
the
worst
in
you,
but
still
choose
to
stay
by
your
side.
"
【朋友的真谛】
20.
"Life's
greatest
blessings
are
the
ones
we
share
with
our
friends.
Cheers
to
a
night
we'll
never
forget!"
【美好时光】