1.
“Don't
let
anger
control
your
actions,
take
control
of
your
anger.
”
【励志】
2.
“Anger
is
a
waste
of
energy.
Use
it
to
fuel
your
creativity
instead.
”
【励志】
3.
“Being
angry
doesn't
solve
anything.
It
just
makes
things
worse.
”
【伤感】
4.
“Don't
let
someone
else's
bad
behavior
ruin
your
day.
”
【励志】
5.
“Forgiveness
doesn't
erase
the
past,
but
it
frees
you
from
the
burden
of
anger
and
resentment.
”
【励志】
6.
“Anger
is
like
a
wildfire,
if
you
don't
put
it
out,
it
will
spread
and
consume
everything
in
its
path.
”
【励志】
7.
“The
best
revenge
is
to
be
unlike
him
who
performed
the
injury.
”
【伤感】
8.
“Holding
onto
anger
is
like
drinking
poison
and
expecting
the
other
person
to
die.
”
【励志】
9.
“Anger
doesn't
solve
anything,
it
only
creates
more
problems.
”
【伤感】
10.
“Sometimes
the
strongest
thing
you
can
do
is
forgive
and
move
on.
”
【励志】
11.
“Anger
is
often
the
result
of
feeling
helpless.
Take
action
and
regain
control.
”
【励志】
12.
“The
pain
of
holding
onto
anger
is
worse
than
the
pain
of
letting
it
go.
”
【伤感】
13.
“Don't
waste
your
time
being
angry
at
someone
who
doesn't
care
about
you.
”
【伤感】
14.
“Anger
is
a
powerful
emotion,
but
it
is
just
a
passing
feeling.
Don't
let
it
define
you.
”
【励志】
15.
“Rage
is
a
handicap
in
life.
You
cannot
move
forward
when
you
are
anchored
by
anger.
”
【励志】
16.
“Hate
and
anger
are
like
chains
that
keep
you
bound
to
the
past.
Break
free
and
move
on.
”
【励志】
17.
“Anger
is
like
a
storm,
it
will
pass.
But
the
aftermath
can
leave
a
trail
of
destruction.
”
【伤感】
18.
“Forgive,
not
because
they
deserve
forgiveness,
but
because
you
deserve
peace.
”
【励志】
19.
“Anger
is
just
a
signal
that
something
needs
to
change.
Don't
ignore
it,
but
don't
let
it
control
you
either.
”
【励志】
20.
“Saying
sorry
means
nothing
if
you
keep
repeating
the
same
behavior.
Actions
speak
louder
than
words.
”
【伤感】