1.
The
drama
of
life
is
meant
to
be
adorned
with
beautiful
costumes
that
allow
us
to
fully
express
ourselves.
【美丽的服装,点缀我们的人生戏剧,让我们完整地展现自我。
】
2.
The
art
of
providing
a
majestic
and
breathtaking
theatrical
costume
is
to
understand
the
innermost
desires
of
the
wearer.
【提供华丽壮观的戏剧服装的艺术在于理解穿着者内心最深的欲望。
】
3.
The
power
of
a
theatrical
ensemble
lies
in
the
ability
of
its
costumes
to
transform
the
actors
into
their
characters.
【戏剧演出的力量在于戏服的转换能力,让演员融入角色中。
】
4.
The
elegance
of
a
well-designed
theatrical
costume
can
evoke
emotions
that
words
cannot
express.
【精美的戏剧服装的优雅,能唤起文字无法表达的情感。
】
5.
The
beauty
of
a
theatrical
costume
lies
in
its
ability
to
manifest
the
true
essence
of
the
characters
being
portrayed.
【戏剧服装之美在于它能展现出所描绘角色的真实本质。
】
6.
The
allure
of
a
theatrical
costume
is
that
it
allows
us
to
escape
into
the
world
of
the
play
and
become
a
part
of
its
magic.
【戏剧服装的吸引力在于它能让我们逃离现实,进入剧场的魔法世界。
】
7.
The
grandeur
of
a
theatrical
costume
may
be
the
first
thing
one
notices,
but
it
is
the
energy
and
emotion
it
conveys
that
truly
captivates
the
audience.
【戏剧服装的盛大可能是观众最先注意的,但传递的能量与情感才是真正吸引人的。
】
8.
The
intricacy
of
a
theatrical
costume
is
a
reflection
of
the
attention
to
detail
and
dedication
of
the
costume
designer.
【戏剧服装的复杂程度反映了服装设计师对细节的关注和专注。
】
9.
well-crafted
theatrical
costume
can
bring
a
character
to
life,
sparking
an
emotional
connection
with
the
audience.
【精心打造的戏剧服装能让角色栩栩如生,激发观众的情感共鸣。
】
10.
The
theatrical
costume
is
not
merely
a
prop,
but
a
symbolic
representation
of
the
character
and
their
journey.
【戏剧服装不仅是道具,也是角色及其成长历程的象征性代表。
】
11.
The
magic
of
a
theatrical
costume
is
in
its
transformative
power,
taking
the
ordinary
and
making
it
extraordinary.
【戏剧服装的神奇在于其转变能力,让平凡变得不凡。
】
12.
The
symbolism
of
a
theatrical
costume
can
reveal
deeper
truths
about
the
character
and
their
place
in
the
story.
【戏剧服装的象征意义能揭示出角色在故事中内在的真相。
】
13.
The
theatrical
costume
is
an
essential
component
of
the
staging
process,
enhancing
the
visual
impact
of
the
performance.
【戏剧服装是演出过程中不可或缺的组成部分,增强了视觉冲击力。
】
14.
The
beauty
of
a
theatrical
costume
can
evoke
a
sense
of
wonder
and
awe,
leaving
a
lasting
impression
on
the
audience.
【戏剧服装的美丽能唤起惊奇和敬畏之情,给观众留下深刻印象。
】
15.
The
theatrical
costume
is
a
reflection
of
the
time
and
culture
in
which
the
play
is
set,
providing
insight
into
the
historical
context.
【戏剧服装是剧情背景所在时代、文化的反映,提供了历史背景的洞察力。
】
16.
The
theatrical
costume
can
be
a
tool
for
subversion,
challenging
societal
norms
and
expectations.
【戏剧服装可以成为一个颠覆工具,挑战社会规范和期望。
】
17.
The
theatrical
costume
can
transport
us
to
another
world,
igniting
our
imagination
and
allowing
us
to
dream.
【戏剧服装能让我们沉浸在另一个世界,激发我们的想象力,让我们梦想成真。
】
18.
The
theatrical
costume
reveals
the
character's
essence
and
transforms
them
into
a
tangible
presence
on
stage.
【戏剧服装揭示了角色的本质,并将他们转化为舞台上的有形存在。
】
19.
The
theatrical
costume
is
not
only
a
reflection
of
the
character
but
also
a
reflection
of
ourselves,
revealing
what
we
value
and
cherish.
【戏剧服装不仅是角色的反映,也是我们自己的反映,揭示了我们所重视和珍惜的东西。
】
20.
The
theatrical
costume
is
a
testament
to
the
artistry
and
creativity
of
those
who
bring
the
play
to
life,
leaving
a
lasting
impression
on
all
who
witness
it.
【戏剧服装是那些将剧目呈现到现实的人的艺术与创造力的证明,给所有目睹它的人留下深刻的印象。
】