Firstly, it is important to note that the individuals in this group did not necessarily believe in astrology or zodiac signs, but rather saw it as a fun exercise. However, the results were still interesting.
The Libra individuals in the group were found to be very balanced and diplomatic. They were able to see both sides of an argument and were skilled in finding compromise and common ground. They were excellent at being the peacekeepers in group settings and were often the ones to diffuse tense situations.
The group also noted that the Libra individuals tended to be very social and outgoing. They enjoyed being around people and would often be the life of the party. However, they also appreciated their alone time and were not afraid to take a step back when needed.
In terms of relationships, the Libra individuals were described as being romantic and affectionate. They enjoyed having a partner to share their life with and were skilled at maintaining a balance between their own needs and the needs of their partner.
On the negative side, the Libra 【白桃星座】individuals in the group were sometimes seen as indecisive and prone to procrastination. They struggled with making decisions and often needed input from others to help guide them. They also had a tendency to put things off until the last minute, which could cause stress and anxiety.
Overall, the foreigners who took the personality test identified the Libra individuals as being balanced, diplomatic, social, romantic, and at times indecisive. While astrology may not be a scientifically proven way to measure personality, it is still interesting to see how accurately the traits of Libra align with the results of this test.