



  1. 5条关于生活习惯的英语作文句子
  2. 英语作文万能句子
  3. 关于学校生活的英语作文句子各位谁有


2.Once a habit is formed, it is difficult and sometimes impossible to shake it off. Some bad habits formed in childhood may remain lifetime.


3.Habit will become a part of our character permanently.


4.People often fail to appreciate the power that habit has in their lives.


5.Habit is working for or against us every minute of the day.


6.Many successful men declare that they own much of their prosperity to the formation of certain good habits in early life, such as punctuality, early rising, honesty, and thoroughness.许多成功的人士都把他们的大部分财富归功于早期生活中某些好习惯的养成,例如守时、早起、城市和办事彻底。

7.Such habits as carelessness, rudeness, laziness, and lying, are bad habits which soon fasten themselves on some people.


〖One〗、In view of such serious situation, environmental tools of transportation like ____ are more important than any time before.


〖Two〗、From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that advantages of ____ far outweigh its disadvantages and it will still play essential roles in modern society.


〖Three〗、This issue has caused wide public concern.

〖Four〗、A large number of people tend to live under the illusion that. Obviously,they seem to fail to take into account the basic fact that


〖Five〗、By taking a major-related part-job, students can not only improve their academic studies, but gain much experience, experience they will never be able to get from the textbooks.



Catherine Wang arrived in the UK in January 1999. In order to develop and extend her English language skills, she spent the first few months at Sherborne International College. Then she joined Aldenham to take a two-year‘A’level course, which will enable her to enter a British university.

Catherine found that the emphasis on maths and science in China had equipped her well for two of her“A” levels----maths and physics. To challenge① her imagination, she chose art as her third subject. She said it was quite rewarding② and challenging.

Although Catherine left a little, lonely at first, she said she was very grateful for the friendliness shown to her by the teachers at Aldenham.

Catherine has found the international mix of cultures very refreshing③.As well as making friends, both boys and girls from a number of cultures, Catherine found it comforting to meet other Chinese pupils at the school.

The house facilities④include a separate girls' sitting room and the use of a kitchen, though, she said the school food was good.

She is a hard working pupil and values the opportunity to study in England. She hopes her results will enable her parents to be proud of her achievements. Catherine plans to study at a leading university in the UK before returning to China to work.

Summing up her time at the school, Catherine said,“I have been very happy at Aldenham and I know I will never forget the experience. I have learnt a great deal from the English culture and my English has improved enormously⑤. The school has been good at recognizing the needs of foreign students. For example, we went out as a crowd last week to celebrate the Chinese New Year. It was great.”

①challenge ['tM$lindN] v.鞭策;挑战

②rewarding [ri'w&:ding] a.有得益的;值得做的

③refreshing [ri'freMiR] a.使人耳目一新的

④facility [f'sil ti] n.(复数)设备;方便

⑤enormously [i'n&:m sli] ad.大大地,巨大地


I am a middle school student.My school life is very colourfui.

In the morning,we have four lessons,Than we go to have lunch.

After lunch we can play in the playground.Girls often chat under

the tree.Boys always play baskerball.

After classes we sometimes do some shopping,chat with each other

I like my school.My school life is nice,too.Now,I will tell you something about my school life.I usually qo to school at seven o"clock.We have eight lessons every day.At about five o"clock,Igo homeand do my homework.My school life isn"tvery intreseting,but it is very useful for me.

Different people have different opinions about school life.As for me,I think it likes a cup of coffee.Maybe a little bitter,but I really enjoy it.Some students hate homework a lot.But I don't agree with them.Sometimes doing homework is a kind of relax.For example,when you do some creative homework.That must be very exciting and let me feel relaxed.Although sometimes we will have some problems,don't care about it.Just go ahead,nothing can make you lose interested in study.In a word,the harder we work,the better our future will be.


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