1.
Amor
vincit
omnia.
(Love
conquers
all.
)
【Love】
2.
In
omnia
paratus.
(Prepared
for
everything.
)
【Preparation】
3.
Veritas
et
amor.
(Truth
and
love.
)
【Truth】
4.
Semper
fidelis.
(Always
faithful.
)
【Fidelity】
5.
Amor
est
vitae
essentia.
(Love
is
the
essence
of
life.
)
【Essence】
6.
Amicitia
est
una
anima
in
duobus
corporibus.
(Friendship
is
one
soul
in
two
bodies.
)
【Friendship】
7.
Cogito,
ergo
sum.
Amo,
ergo
sum.
(I
think,
therefore
am.
love,
therefore
am.
)
【Existence】
8.
Amor
patitur
moras.
(Love
endures
delays.
)
【Patience】
9.
Carpe
diem.
(Seize
the
day.
)
【Opportunity】
10.
Amor
quam
potest
optime
facit.
(Love
does
the
best
it
can.
)
【Effort】
11.
Fortes
Fortuna
Juvat.
(Fortune
favors
the
brave.
)
【Courage】
12.
Hoc
est
corpus
meum.
Hoc
est
calix
sanguinis
mei.
(This
is
my
body.
This
is
the
cup
of
my
blood.
)
【Sacrifice】
13.
Lex
amor
vincit.
(Love
conquers
the
law.
)
【Acceptance】
14.
Gratia
omnia
donat.
(Grace
gives
all
things.
)
【Generosity】
15.
Amor
fati.
(Love
of
fate.
)
【Acceptance】
16.
Amor
mundi.
(Love
of
the
world.
)
【Appreciation】
17.
Caveat
emptor.
(Let
the
buyer
beware.
)
【Caution】
18.
Deo
volente.
(God
willing.
)
【Faith】
19.
Caritas
in
veritate.
(Charity
in
truth.
)
【Charity】
20.
Amor,
labor,
paternitas.
(Love,
work,
fatherhood.
)
【Responsibility】