1.
"I
felt
my
heart
racing
as
realized
left
my
keys
inside
the
locked
car.
"
【惊慌】
2.
"The
sudden
sound
of
shattering
glass
made
my
body
tense
up
with
panic.
"
【惊慌】
3.
"As
the
airplane
hit
turbulence,
could
hear
the
panicked
screams
of
the
passengers
around
me.
"
【惊慌】
4.
"I
froze
in
fear
when
saw
the
headlights
of
an
oncoming
car
veering
towards
me.
"
【惊慌】
5.
"The
sight
of
a
spider
crawling
towards
me
sent
shivers
of
panic
down
my
spine.
"
【惊慌】
6.
"I
broke
out
in
a
cold
sweat
when
realized
was
lost
in
an
unfamiliar
neighborhood.
"
【惊慌】
7.
"The
sudden
blackout
in
the
middle
of
a
thunderstorm
left
me
feeling
scared
and
vulnerable.
"
【惊慌】
8.
"My
heart
sank
as
saw
the
smoke
billowing
out
of
my
kitchen
window.
"
【惊慌】
9.
"I
felt
my
blood
run
cold
as
saw
the
masked
intruder
standing
in
my
living
room.
"
【惊慌】
10.
"The
sound
of
the
tornado
siren
filled
me
with
an
overwhelming
sense
of
panic.
"
【惊慌】
11.
"I
could
feel
my
heart
pounding
in
my
chest
as
realized
was
running
late
for
an
important
meeting.
"
【惊慌】
12.
"The
sudden
gust
of
wind
made
me
lose
my
balance
and
sent
me
tumbling
down
the
stairs
in
a
panic.
"
【惊慌】
13.
"The
feeling
of
being
trapped
in
a
crowded
elevator
with
no
escape
route
left
me
feeling
panicked.
"
【惊慌】
14.
"I
felt
a
surge
of
panic
as
realized
had
left
my
wallet
and
phone
in
a
cab.
"
【惊慌】
15.
"The
sight
of
my
child
wandering
away
from
me
in
a
crowded
public
place
filled
me
with
panic.
"
【惊慌】
16.
"I
felt
my
heart
skip
a
beat
when
heard
the
news
of
a
natural
disaster
happening
in
my
area.
"
【惊慌】
17.
"The
sudden
onset
of
a
severe
headache
made
me
panic
and
call
for
medical
help.
"
【惊慌】
18.
"The
sight
of
a
loved
one
in
danger
filled
me
with
an
overwhelming
sense
of
panic
and
urgency.
"
【惊慌】
19.
"I
felt
a
sense
of
panic
as
saw
the
deadline
for
my
project
looming
closer
and
closer.
"
【惊慌】
20.
"The
news
of
a
sudden
change
in
my
employment
situation
filled
me
with
panic
and
uncertainty.
"
【惊慌】