1.
There's
more
to
me
than
just
my
size.
【#bodypositivity
#selflove】
2.
may
not
fit
into
society's
beauty
standards,
but
love
all
of
me.
【#curvyandconfident
#loveyourself】
3.
Don't
judge
me
based
on
my
appearance,
get
to
know
me
for
who
am.
【#dontjudgeabookbyitscover
#stopbodyshaming】
4.
My
weight
does
not
define
who
am
as
a
person.
【#selfworth
#selfacceptance】
5.
Yes,
I'm
a
big
girl
and
I'm
proud
of
it.
【#bigandbeautiful
#plusizeconfidence】
6.
Society
may
tell
me
I'm
not
good
enough,
but
know
am.
【#positivevibes
#selfassurance】
7.
My
size
doesn't
dictate
my
happiness.
I'm
happy
with
who
am.
【#happinesscomesfromwithin
#bodyneutrality】
8.
refuse
to
let
anyone
make
me
feel
less
than
because
of
my
weight.
【#bodyempowerment
#strongwoman】
9.
I'm
not
trying
to
fit
into
anyone's
mold,
I'm
just
being
me.
【#authenticity
#selfexpression】
10.
There's
no
shame
in
having
some
extra
curves.
【#bodypride
#bodyconfidence】
11.
I'm
beautiful
just
the
way
am.
【#selfloveisthebestlove
#beautybeyondsize】
12.
Just
because
I'm
not
a
size
zero
doesn't
mean
I'm
not
worthy
of
love
and
respect.
【#stopbodyshaming
#allbodiesaregoodbodies】
13.
My
weight
may
fluctuate,
but
my
worth
remains
constant.
【#selfworth
#bodypositivity】
14.
We
should
celebrate
our
differences,
not
shame
them.
【#bodydiversity
#inclusivity】
15.
My
body
is
mine
to
love
and
cherish,
not
anyone
else's
to
criticize.
【#bodyautonomy
#selfcare】
16.
People
come
in
all
shapes
and
sizes,
and
that's
what
makes
us
unique.
【#bodyacceptance
#embraceyourself】
17.
It's
time
to
stop
judging
people
based
on
their
appearance
and
start
loving
them
for
who
they
are.
【#lovenotjudgement
#kindnessmatters】
18.
I'm
more
than
just
a
body,
I'm
a
whole
person
with
dreams
and
aspirations.
【#bodyandsoul
#selfrealization】
19.
Let's
focus
on
loving
ourselves
instead
of
trying
to
fit
into
someone
else's
idea
of
perfection.
【#selfacceptance
#selfgrowth】
20.
Being
confident
in
your
own
skin
is
the
most
attractive
quality
you
can
have.
【#bodyconfidence
#selflove】